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EN Today I chose very bright and electric piece to my look - neon skirt. I have never wore distinct clothes before but once I was inspired by a blogger. I wondered if I have enough courage to put this on. Of course, that is a matter of taste, but deep inside I was delighted with this idea. All in all, I found in MONTON store bright orange skirt which I matched with simple white t-shirt and denim jacket. As a mini skirt is very feminine, I think, a blouse had to be casual and without any details which can ruin all appearance with surplus. Also, I put on rough denim jacket because the contrast between girly skirt and boyish jacket creates intensity. Moreover, I didn't forget about wearing accessories because I wanted to create a look more tilt to the girly side and rings were a good way to accomplish that.

LT Šiandien aš nutariau užsivilkti ryškiai neoninį sijoną, kuris bus pagrindinis mano derinio akcentas. Aš niekada nesu dėvėjusi ryškiu drabužiu anksčiau, tačiau visai netyčia naršydama vienos mano įkvėpėjos blogą, labai susižavėjau jos idėja - ji dėvėjo neoninį drabužį. Ilga laiką svarsčiau, ar šis derinys tikrai sėkmingas. Žinoma, tai yra skonio reikalas, tačiau žinojau, kad giliai širdyje žaviuosi šia idėja. Atsitiktinai MONTON parduotuvėje aptikau ryškiai oranžinį sijoną, kurį suderinau su paprastais baltais marškinėliais ir džinsiniu švarkeliu. Kadangi, pagrindinis dėmesys skyriau sijonui, viršus turėjo būti kasdieniškas ir paprastas, todėl marškinėliai yra medvilniniai ir be jokiu papildomu detaliu, kurios gali perkrauti visa įvaizdi. Ant viršaus nutariau užsimesti džinsinį švarkelį. Ryškus skirtumas tarp vyriškumo ir moteriškumo visada papildo derinį. Be to, aš nepamiršau užsivilkti aksesuaru, nes vis dėlto norėjau sukurti labiau moteriška įvaizdį, kuris puikiai buvo papildytas mano dėvėtais žiedais ir pakabuku.

RU Сегодня я решила одеть яркую электро юбку - главную часть моего outfit'a. Раньше я некогда не носила неоновою одежду, но однажды я наткнулась на блоггершу, которая меня вдохновила!  Долгое время я думала ли имею храбрости одеть такую юбочку и ли она понравиться вам! Однажды в магазине МОНТОН я нашла мне подходящую оранжевою юбку, которую одела с белой футболкой й джинсовкой. Учитывая что юбка сама по себе яркая, верх - футболка должна быть простой и без деталей, которые могут утяжелить весь вид. Большая разница между мальчишеской джинсовой и женственной юбкой всегда пополняют вид. Между прочим, я одела несколько аксессуаров потому что все таки хотела выглядеть по девчачий. 



EN I was making a very serious research in the Internet about products who take care about face all week. I have very dry skin – it’s usually flakes and feels tightness of skin. It should sound strange, right? (Teenagers have usually oily skin or acne). However, there an awful lot of people who asks me what I do to have such a perfect skin. Unfortunately, it isn't as perfect as it looks. I tried many things but I have never been satisfied by a conclusive result for 100%. All in all, after a lot of researches I truly believe that Clynique formula 1.2.3 will help me to achieve perfectly normal skin.
By the way, I and my friend Greta were going to a mall and I realised that I really am bored of my style. I decided to make it more different - when edgy meets chic but still is little bohemian – I found really nice and interesting two dresses which are from H&M. One is short dress in woven fabric with narrow shoulder straps and another one gorgeous Eiffel tower print dress with swing turtle neck.
Moreover, I bought very sensitive consistence lipsticks from GOSH and L’OREAL which both makes nude lip look but L’OREAL melts on the lips to pink tone and GOSH to nude and almost no lipstick look.

LT Visą šią savaitę aš bandžiau rasti informacijos apie veido priemones. Aš turiu labai sausą odą. Turbūt skamba keistai, tiesa? (Daugelis paauglių įprastai turi riebią arba spuoguotą odą). Man atrodo, kad išbandžiau viską, ką galėjau, kad odos būklė, tačiau aš dar niekada nebuvau patenkinta galutiniu rezultatu iki galo. Todėl išnaršiusi daugybę forumų ir tinklapių aš nuoširdžiai tikiuosi, kad Clinique forumlė 1.2.3 padės man pagerinti savo odos būklę.
Tarp kitko, aš ir mano draugė Greta ėjome apsipirkti ir aš nutariau įsigyti kažko naujesnio ir man neįprasto edgy stiliaus, kuris būtų nors bohemiškas, bet stilingas. Abejas sukneles, kurias radau, nupirkau H&M parduotuvėje. Viena suknelė yra trumpa ir gelėta bei papuošta nėriniais, o kita juoda suknelė ant kurios pavaizduotas Eifelio bokšas.
Beje, aš nupirkau labai švelnios tekstūros GOSH ir L‘OREAL lūpdažius, kurie suteikia lūpoms kūno spalvos atspalvį tik L‘OREAL yra labiau rožinio atspalvio, o pasidažius GOSH atrodo, kad lūpos visai „nuogos“.

RU На этой неделе я проводила тщательный поиск над кремами которые ухаживают за кожей лица. У меня очень сухая кожа. Это звучит странно, не так ли? ( У подростков часто является жирная или поражённая акне кожа. Я испробовала много разных средств, но я некогда ещё не добилась того эффекта, о котором мечтаю. Но после многих (не)успешных поисков кремов всей моей мечты, я решилась попробовать фирму Clinique и формулу 1.2.3. Я надеюсь что эти средства помогут мне приобрести нормальную кожу.
Кстати, я и моя подруга Грета пошли по магазинам. Я решилась купить что-то для себя необычного в стиле edgy, который выглядил-бы богемно но и стильно. Платья я купила в H&M. Одно платье короткое в цветочки с кружевами, а другое с принтом Эйфелевой башни.
И на конец – помады для губ. GOSH и L’OREAL очень мягкие и питательные помады. Только L’OREAL имеет нежно розовый оттенок, а GOSH создаёт песочный лук.

See you soon, 



EN  Hey guys,
Today my look was all about simpleness and comfort. I was going to a cinema with my friend Olivia from abroad. So,  I decided to wear boyfriend peach blue jeans with a simple not too minimalistic enough grey t-shirt (because of some details on shoulders). I am not a big fan of grey (this kind of boring color) but I decided that I have to tray something that isn't usual for me. I spent really great time and I felt so much comfy and relaxed how I looked that I almost fell in love in this outlook.
P.S A film was excellent - I recommend to everybody 'Blended' if they are big lovers of love and a little bit of comedy.

Sveiki mielieji,
šiandien aš norėjau dėvėti tokius drabužius su kuriais jausčiausi paprastai ir patogiai, kadangi ketinau eiti su drauge į kiną. Todėl aš nutariau užsidėti boyfriend tipo šviesius džinsus su paprastais, tačiau ne pačiais nuobodžiausiais pilkais marškinėliais (nes ant pečių yra išsiuvinėti karoliukai). Man neypatingai patinka pilka spalva (ji nuobodi ir liūdna), bet aš nutariau pabandyti kažką suderinti, kas nėra įprasta man. Beje, peržiūrėjau filmą "Kartu ne savo noru".
P. S Visiems, kas yra romantikos ir komedijos mėgėjai - patariu.

RU  Всем привет!
Сегодня я решила сочетать свой outlook так чтобы я выглядела casual и мне било удобно потому, что я и моя подруга шли в кино. По этому я одела boyfriend светлые джинсы и серую, не так уж и скучную футболку (эти маленькие бусинки украшают весь наряд). Я небольшая ценительница серого цвета - он мне выглядит скучный. Всё таки, я решилась на что-то необычное для меня. Я провела изумительно своё время в кино, а так же расхаживая по магазинам.
P. S Я всем любителям комедий и романтики советую просмотреть фильм - «Смешанные».


I hope you liked this brand new outfit,
(please comment below what do you think about what do you see or read)

Best wishes,



Hello dear readers,

My sweet cousin had a small birthday party for her nuclear and extended family. This month she turned to 25 years. I can't believe how fast time moves: some years ago we were small girls who used to meet up several times in year at ours dad's village to look after our granny and usually to spent Christmas with all family together. Anyway, my cousin is an adult young woman who has a boyfriend and I am a teenager who can't live without beauty, fashion and new outfits for you guys.

When I got news that she will make small evening for her close people I couldn't stop to think what I will wear. I checked all my closet and really messed it. You won't imagine how looked my room. If you were there, you would see a dozen blouses, trousers and several dresses. Well, when I looked it through - I realized that I will wear a green dress from Mango s/s'2013 collection with simple flats and forgot about this issue.

Anyway, I had to go to a mall to buy some really relevant books for my native language. I will pass exams next year, so I made a small research of books which could help me to enter an university of my dreams. Of course, I couldn't hesitate to check several clothes shops. I wasn't really looking for something, just wanted to look around.

Zara store is always a big sweet present to me - I usually like more than half of their collections because there are a lot of clothes and shoes who are inspired by notorious brands and the most up-to trends. I saw low-cut top with side stripes matched with trousers with elastic waist accidentally - a silk blouse was hanged near black trousers in the corner of shop - nobody noticed about this really gorgeous pieces of outfit.

All in all, I bought it and have no doubts about these choice. I like this top's soft and sweet color, it can be fitable not only with trousers but with simple jeans or shorts as well. What about trousers, it was a dream of all my life - I wasn't expecting to find a trousers which I was drawn in my mind, I thought nobody will take care of my dream and make it true. I saw a lot of loose trousers lately but they looked really ugly at my legs.

P. S These flats is my new purchase too. I like them because of undemanding impression.
P. P. S Birthday party was really great even it ended so fast that I couldn't realize how it was possible.

I hope you liked my brand new outfit,
Best wishes,



Hey guys,

After a long break I want to share with you lovely outfit to a small restaurant "Ponių laimė". I and my friend enjoyed a cup of coffee and chocolate cake. I chose black small little dress from Mango for my look. To be honest, I like Mango store so much. This brand is always on trend because of various specter of styles: from boho to classic.In addition, this time is time of sales. You can buy this contrast bodice dress on sale now.

(It is unbelievable how I was into talking with phone while a perfect photographer and new blogger Elenah made some really funny and chic snaps.)

Sleeveless crepe dress with round neck and contrast pleated chiffon skirt is good enough for simple go-to a meeting with a friend and big party.  
According to a fact that I am big lover of curly hair I made by my own some beachy waves which I usually wear all the time for various occasions. 

Dress:  Mango
Shoes: Aldo (similar)
Bracelet: Aldo (similar)

I hope you liked my brand new outfit,
Best wishes,
(and PLEASE comment below what kind of expression this post made to you)



Hey guys!

These past few weeks I was thinking about people's personalities, about how much they can show themselves. Unfortunately, it seems clear that to be a character is hard. Not only because of being blamed, ashamed or misunderstood (for example, the 2014 Eurovision winner). A lot of people are scared to lose their masks and roles. It's much easier to be like everyone else. I guess it's a way to be a part of our society. I think it's important not only being honest with yourself but also with other people. So, I dedicate this post to all people, who are too scared being themselves. Just ignore what other people say, do or expect you doing. It is easier to be yourself when you don't feel so much pressure. There was a time when I was too scared to share my dreams and hopes with other people. I was too scared to admit some really important things to myself. I have waisted a couple of years doing nothing what I liked. I couldn't determine what I really have to do - dream or fight for it. I hope I am here, writing this post because I AM living my life as I want it to live. I want to fulfill my expectations. 
These photos inspire me finding a work path. I hope that these pictures will take you on your own way too.

I hope you liked it,
Best wishes,
(and PLEASE comment below what kind of expression this post made to you)