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Hello guys,

I am really happy and thankful being nominated for this sweet Award which gives me a chance to tell more about who I am.

I got a nomination from two blogs: Beauty Billboard and bettymariastyle. So, I decided to give both answers but create only 11 questions for hand-picked bloggers by me.

Let's start!

My answers to the questions bettymariastyle:
  1. If you could have one supernatural power what would it be?I really don't know is it a supernatural power but I'd like to be immortal or to be able to see future.
  2. What is the one thing you would love to do but don’t dare?It is a good question. Let's see. I am not able to ride on a bicycle because.. I don't really know why. Maybe I am very imbalance person?.. I am speechless about this because everybody who taught me said that it is pointless. I really don't care much about it but to be honest - sometimes it gets on my nerves.
  3. If you could go back in time to change one thing what would it be?If I could go back in time.. Huh... I would change one thing - I would start to follow my dreams earlier.
  4. What’s your favorite sleeping position?
    My favorite sleeping position is on belly, isn't it the best?
  5. What would you like to change about yourself?
    It is strange (maybe) but I like my physical appearance and emotional state so much that I wouldn't change anything. The only major thing is which I'd really like to have is calm state. I am so spontaneous and unpredictable sometimes.
  6. What’s your best beauty secret?
    I am obsessed of hydrating my skin. Really, I will share one secret with you - hydrate and love your skin. Do not allow yourself to drink alcohol because it's dries our organism.
  7. Which actress should play you in a movie?I am not sure saying this because I have so much actresses on my mind now. I wish it could be Angelina Jolie or Lucy Hale.
  8. Do you live by any philosophy or motto?
    I wouldn't like to say that I live by motto because I am so open and emotional that I can't put myself into one philosophy idea or motto. But I try for a half year so hard to live by jazz singer Frank Sinatra quote - "The best revenge is massive success". I think, it's really true.
  9. What should come back into fashion?
    I think this trend makes really no sense but I like how it looks on girls - clip-on suspenders. Really.
  10. What makes you nervous?
    People who play on my nerves and a situation which I can't control.
  11. Is there anything about the opposite sex that you just don’t understand? I am very open-minded person but I can't understand about guys only one thing - why guys make promises and forget about them? It is better not to make them at all then.
 My answers to the questions Beauty Billboard:

  1. What is your go to item of clothing? Blouse or jeans.
  2. What is your favorite type of chocolate?
    I don't have any favorite type chocolate because I like all of them.
  3. Favorite color nail polish? Nude or black rose.
  4. Are you more of a cat or dog person?
    I like both pets but I can't imagine myself going out with a dog early morning. Definitely.
  5. When did you develop an interest in makeup?
    I think, two years ago.
  6. What is your favorite meal of the day?
  7. Favorite piece of jewellery you own?
    Necklace - a gift from my daddy. He has a good taste.
  8. What countries would you like to visit?
    My dreams aren't about countries. I think, it's more about cities such as London, Moscow, NY, LA, DC, Milan, Roma,
  9. Favorite childhood memory?
    Early mornings in home watching cartoons and reading books.
  10. What do you find the best part of having a blog?
  11. Favorite celebrity?
    I don't have only one. There are several such as Cheryl Cole, Nicole Scherzinger, Jennifer Lopez and Lucy Hale.

  1. Your inspiration in life is...?
  2. A place where you can be yourself is..?
  3. Early mornings or evenings?
  4. Which style do you admire the most?
  5. What are some of your favorite websites?
  6.  What’s the best decision you ever made?
  7.  What have you learned today?
  8.  How do you feel right now? What are you thinking about?
  9.  What kind of vacations do you like?
  10. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
  11. If you could try out any job for a day, what would you like to try?
1. Answer to 11 questions.
2. Nominate another 11 people and create your own questions.




Nikki Beach St. Tropez.
Agent Provocateur Fall/Winter 2014 Campaign
Dries Van Noten, Nina Ricci, Antonio Marras, Fall/Winter 2014
Jon Redruello, 7 for All Mankind denim
Lithuanian model
Brand: Vince Robitaille: BLK DNM by Johan Lindeberg
Lithuanian blogger
Add caption
Beate Stivrina
Inspiration from L' Officiel Paris
Stella Mc Cartney / Kate Moss
My evening
Cavalli A/W 2014
  Isabel marant/2014 a/w/fashion week



EN These days there are an awful lot of people who can be named fashionable and chic but them are so much that in these dozen we can't see stylishness, extraordinariness. The trouble is in lack phenomenality and ability to be a character. In consequences even that person who invested a lot of money and efforts in his closet can be not noticed. So, I think resolution of this problem is accessories. Before I thought this is a vanity of money, efforts, time and have nothing in common with style. Thanks God I was wrong! When I started matching jewelry with clothes, I saw a difference between all look! What is more, with a same clothes you can create absolutely different look - from casual until rock'n'roll. The only thing which you have to do is to choose that jewelry which you like and feel passion for. (You don't have to hesitate to experiment, it's the only way to be unique and find your style's path) . For example, I am not a big fun of massive jewelry because I don't want to create very heavy look. The main goal which I want to achieve is to be noticed not only with a help of clothes but with my own personality and taste.

LT Šiais laikais yra daugybė stilingų ir sekančių madą žmonių, tačiau jų yra tiek daug, kad kartais mes galime nepamatyti jų ir nepaprastumo. Manau, kad problema yra tame, kad žmonėms trūksta individualumo ir išskirtinumo. Kartais net tas žmogus, kuris atidavė daug pinigų ir jėgų drabužiams gali likti nepastebėtas. Taigi, aš manau, kad išeitis yra - aksesuarai. Anksčiau atrodė, kad tai yra švaistymas: pinigų, jėgų, laiko ir neturi nieko bendro su stiliumi. Ačiū Dievui aš klydau! Kai pradėjau derinti papuošalus su savo drabužiais, pajaučiau didžiulį skirtumą. Beje, su tais pačiais drabužiais galima sukurti visiškai kitokį stilių - nuo kasdienio iki rock'n'roll. Svarbiausias dalykas, kurį turite padaryti yra išsirinkti tuos papuošalus, kuriuos mėgstate ir jaučiate aistrą (Nebijokite eksperimentuoti, tai vienintelis būdas tapti unikaliu ir rasti savo stilių). Pavyzdžiui, aš nesu mėgėja sunkių papuošalų, nes nenoriu jaustis perkrauta. Svarbiausias tikslas, kurį visada noriu pasiekti yra būti pastebėtai ne tik drabužių pagalba, bet ir mano asmeniškumu ir skoniu.

RU Сегодня почти везде можно встретить много модных и стильных людей, но их так много что иногда мы просто не в состоянии во всех заметить необычайность. Думаю, проблема в том что людям не хватает индивидуальности. Иногда так бивает - тот человек который инвестирует кучу денег и сил - остаёться незамеченным. Всё таки, я думаю что выход есть - это аксессуары. Раньше я думала что это трата денег, сил, времени и неймет нечего общего с стилям. Благодарю Бога что я ошибалась! Когда я начала совмещать украшение с одеждой, почувствовала большую разницу. Между прочем в одной и той же одежде можно выглядит совсем иначе - от casual до rock'n'roll. Главное выбирая украшение надо что-бы они нравились и ими восхишались. (Небойтесь експериментировать, это эдинственый выход стать уникальным и найти свой стиль.) На пример я нелюблю тяжолых украшений и деталей, так как нехочю утяжелять свой стиль. Главное достижение, которого желаю достичь - это быть замеченой не только благодаря одежде, но и моей индивидуальности и вкусу.

EN I wish a good day for you guys - I am going to read a book Crime and Punishment written by Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
LT Visiems linkiu geros dienos, o aš einu skaityti kygos parašytos Fiodoro Dostojevsio "Nusikaltimas ir bausmė".
RU Всем желаю прелестного дня  - я иду читать Фёдора Достоевского книгу «Преступле́ние и наказа́ние»!